Is the blessing of receiving the Eucharist diminished if you only receive the wafer and not the wine?

Father Kevin:

Is the blessing of receiving the Eucharist diminished if you only receive the wafer and not the wine Monica


Hi Bonnie:

If something is true then it is of God so there is nothing at all to be frightened of in searching for truth.  The role of the Church is to guide us, to be a touchstone if you like, against which we can test our own discoveries.
Sometimes what we discover adds to the Church’s wealth of wisdom.  Sometimes we discover that what we thought was true may need adjustment or may be not so true and the Church’s teaching tradition can help us greatly here.

It’s natural to become confused when exploring new areas of understanding.  In our parish here in Sydney, we have a wonderful finance committee.  When they explain the intricacies of finance to me, I often become confused.  It doesn’t mean that what they are telling me is not true!

Likewise when we are exploring matters of faith, we can go through periods of confusion as we try to understand what is really true.  As I say, there is nothing to be frightened about if something we discover is really true.  Every blessing.  – Father Kevin


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